Lyons Technology Solutions
Security, scalability, and enhanced user experience
Scale and secure your business using cloud technology
Optimizing the user experience with an elastic workforce that assures your business does not suffer from a lack of scalability or security can be advantageous to any organization. Here’s an idea for you – why don’t you try out an elastic cloud-based solution built by experienced professionals?! LTS gives you the flexibility to move workloads to virtual or cloud datacenter resources while eliminating dependency on hardware.
Moving to the cloud can greatly benefit your workflows and processes
Benefits of utilizing cloud technology in your busineess
The cloud has become a large part of the average business’ everyday operations. These days it’s hard to image a world without digital storage, as everything from customer records and processes to financial data is stored and managed entirely off-site server farms.
Around the clock security
There are many benefits of cloud technology, including increased security. With a cloud computing infrastructure, business data is stored in the cloud. This means that it is not stored in one specific location, and there is no single point of failure.
Increased Flexibility
Something that you may or may not know about cloud technology is that it can be cost effective for your business. However, if it isn’t implemented correctly or managed properly, it can cost you a lot more than you expected. There are many factors that can affect the cost of using cloud technology. For example, the amount of bandwidth you need, the amount of data you need to store, or the number of servers you need can all affect your costs. Let us set you up with a cloud environment suited for your business today!